On 22.03.2021 15:30, Rowan Tommins wrote:
> - Make utf8_decode() throw errors for unrepresentable characters.

I'm not sure I understand this, but it sounds like it would be a BC
break for my case.

I'm using utf8_encode()/utf8_decode() to make input string safe to be
stored in DB, and back. In most cases the input is utf-8, but it
occasionally may contain "broken characters".

    $str = '';
    for ($x=0; $x<256; $x++) {
        $str .= chr($x);

    $this->assertSame($str, utf8_decode(utf8_encode($str)));

    $str = "グーグル谷歌中信фδοκιμήóźdźрöß😁😃";

    $this->assertSame($str, utf8_decode(utf8_encode($str)));

Could anyone point to a sample input that will not work with my use-case?

Aleksander Machniak
Kolab Groupware Developer        [https://kolab.org]
Roundcube Webmail Developer  [https://roundcube.net]
PGP: 19359DC1 # Blog: https://kolabian.wordpress.com

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