Hi Nikita,

I would like to propose a deprecation of FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING. This is a
very dubious filter that has almost no use. It removes NUL bytes, encodes
single and double quotes in HTML, and removes anything between < and
optional >. It does not function the same as strip_tags() as pointed out in
this comment
It is also one of the only two filters using FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES
I believe this function is very misleading especially to new users who are
looking for a default string filter. The real default one is
called FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW which sounds like something one should not use.
While in reality, it is FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING that can damage your data
and should not be used.
This also includes the deprecation of FILTER_SANITIZE_STRIPPED which is
just its alias.


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