
There is the SQLGetConnectAttr method and the SQL_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT attribute
(part of the ISO 92 standard) which should allow detecting the transaction
state at the driver level. This API used by the SQL Server extensions (to
manage the transaction) and it also seems to be available for Oracle and
IBM DB2 drivers as well.

I'd like to start with the mysqli driver specifically because:

   1. MySQL is one of the DB platforms that doesn't support in transactions.
   2. It's much more widely used with PHP than Oracle.

We can attempt to implement this functionality in different DB extensions
independently since they don't depend on each other.

On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 1:11 AM Gabriel O <gade...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What about OCI8 driver? That’s also included in core.
> Also a sidermark: SQLSrv and IBMDB2 are not part of core, but situation
> should be checked in those as well, since they are supported in DBA tooL
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Sergei Morozov

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