Hi internals,

I'd like to present an RFC for a first-class callable syntax, which is
intended as a simpler alternative to the partial function application (PFA)


See the Rationale section for details on how this relates to PFA. Over the
past week, we've had a lot of discussions on how exactly PFA is supposed to
work (most of them OTR), and while we seem to have a tentative consensus on
the correct model to use (which does not match the current RFC), it's clear
that this feature has turned out more complicated than originally
anticipated. Joe (who provided the implementation for the PFA RFC) is also
concerned about the implementation complexity that the final model would

At least I personally was mainly interested in PFA because it provides a
first-class callable syntax as a side-effect. This RFC goes back to
providing *just* that. The syntax is forward-compatible with a future PFA
proposal though.


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