On 07/06/2021 21:50, Björn Larsson wrote:
Den 2021-06-02 kl. 22:16, skrev Mike Schinkel:
My only comment/request/suggestion is to consider Mark Randall's suggestion to use `...?` instead, for the reasons he mentioned in his email to the list:

https://externals.io/message/114157#114666 <https://externals.io/message/114157#114666>

Plus Levi Morrison seemed to approve:

https://externals.io/message/114157#114667 <https://externals.io/message/114157#114667>


I second this opinion. So is the "...?" syntax something that will
be considered?

As this was still not answered.. I would like to just drop a +1. I do find the symmetry of "...?" / "?" quite appealing too, ensuring that you always get a "?" to indicate a partial application.

If it's controversial, Mark Randall's idea of having it be a subvote sounds good to me to make sure the debate is closed once and for all. Ignoring it now to get another RFC trying to change the syntax in two months isn't helpful :)

Aside from that, also +1 on "good work everyone involved", this looks pretty solid now and I'm looking forward to the addition!


Jordi Boggiano
@seldaek - https://seld.be

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