Hi Craig,

> On Jun 14, 2021, at 5:36 AM, Craig Francis <cr...@craigfrancis.co.uk> wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Jun 2021 at 09:07, Pierre <pierre-...@processus.org> wrote:
>> Le 14/06/2021 à 02:41, Mike Schinkel a écrit :
>>> A big*NO*  on warnings. Full stop.
>> [...] Any warning raised by the low level functions would be too
>> restrictive.
> Hi Pierre, I'll be talking to Mike on Zoom later today (5pm UK time), which
> you're welcome to join.

Thank you for making yourself available to discuss the RFC on a Zoom chat.  It 
was super helpful to be able to hash out concerns without getting into an 
avalanche of email, and frankly it would be great if all future RFC authors 
were to do the same. I was able to better understand your concerns, and 
hopefully you were better able to understand mine.

Just to follow up, I wanted to re-iterate that I think it is critical that you 
give users in userland an "escape valve" for when library authors — including 
junior developers  — force users to provide a literal but the use-case makes 
that impossible.

I think we both agreed that the most promising thing we discussed would be if 
userland could create a "trusted object" using some combination of implementing 
an interface and/or using an attribute such as you see in the example below:

class PostGetter implements LiteralInterface {
    private string $post_id;
    public function __construct( int $post_id ) {
        $this->post_id = intval($post_id);
        if ( 0 ===  $this->post_id ) {
            throw new Exception( "Sorry, your post_id is not a valid non-zero 
integer." );
    public function __ToString() {
        return sprintf( "SELECT * FROM wp_post WHERE ID=%d", $this->post_id );

// $sql accepts a literal string, or a LiteralInterface implementor 
// having a __ToString() method with the #[IsLiteral] attribute
function safe_sql_query( string|LiteralInterface $sql ):mysqli_result|false {
    if ( ! is_literal( $sql ) ) {
        throw new Exception( "Sorry, you cannot use an non-literal here." );
    $connection = mysqli_connect( ... );
    return mysqli_query( $connection, $sql );

// Our LiteralInterface implementor in use
$pg  = new PostGetter( $_GET['post_id'] );
$result = safe_sql_query( $pg );
print_r( $result );

You said you wanted to think about this approach so I am looking forward to 
yours and other's thoughts on the validity of this approach. 

Note that I mentioned that some people might have an issue with using the 
__ToString() magic method and instead might want named methods defined in an 
interface to be used instead.  So maybe LiteralInterface could define a method 
asLiteral() that the class would need to implement.  And in a future RFC maybe 
SqlLiteralInterface could define asSqlLiteral(), etc.  These are the obviously 
points to be hashed out on the list. 

Also note I used sprintf() in my example rather than mysqli_prepare() on 
purpose because WordPress uses mysqli_query() and mysqli_query() expects SQL as 
a string, not a prepared statement. I could have used $wpdb->prepare() but then 
many people on the list might not be familiar with that aspect of WordPress and 
safe_sql_query() is an approximation of $wpdb->get_results() assuming $wpdb 
were an instance of a newer object that checked is_literal().

As a final comment I know you mentioned that we only have two weeks to get this 
RFC into the next release of PHP and that is why you are anxious to avoid 
addressing how userland can create "trusted objects" for this RFC  However, I 
think it would be far better to address that concern in this RFC even if that 
means delaying is_literal() until a later version PHP and instead provide time 
to addresses this concern and any other's concerns.


P.S. Also, happy to do another Zoom call if you would like to hash any of this 
out further, just email me privately.

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