> The thing is, new developers don't think *anything*.  There's nothing 
> intrinsically more "natural" about procedural code vs functional code, or OOP 
> code, or whatever other paradigm.  They're all artificial as far as the brain 
> is concerned.  People who start off in an OOP language, and are taught OOP 
> from the get-go, are just as confused by procedural code as someone who 
> learned procedural is when viewing OOP for the first time.  Same for people 
> who start in FP languages.

I mentored many part-time student programmers. I'm not sure why some
people use the excuse of explaining syntax and semantics to juniors
because all the newbies I worked with had no trouble learning syntax
and semantics. They struggled with good design, writing testable code,
etc -- very different issues than the technical understanding of
syntax and semantics. I think people shouldn't worry so much about
mentoring newbies about syntax. Surely you have enough faith in them
to learn new things or you wouldn't have hired them!

Anyway, the vote currently sits at 14 yes to 10 no. Not a big turnout;
still time for it to pass or garner more opposition.

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