On Wed, Jun 30, 2021 at 10:36 AM André Rømcke <andre.rom...@gmail.com>

> > > It's okay to vote against this if cloning is a deal breaker. In that
> case
> > > I'll probably either work on cloning before re-proposing this, or
> pivot to
> > > asymmetric visibility -- it's not my first preference, but it may be
> the
> > > more pragmatic choice. Cloning is definitely the weak point of this
> > > proposal.
> >
> > I already went through the clone-arguments mental exercise in my earlier
> analysis, and the code
> > it produces is totally disgusting. :-)  clone-with is a considerably
> better approach if you're starting
> > from readonly.  (It's also better if you start from asymmetric
> visibility, although that version needs
> > a clone-help feature far less.)
> Internals have been here before, it's a recurring problem in PHP that
> fundamentally missing features are voted down because people want
> other complementary features first.
> read only has been voted down by people rather wanting type properties
> first, or rather wanted assessors first. And then in turn accessors
> multiple times were voted down by the other 2 camps. But these
> features are interconnected and need to be done step by step, during
> the process things won't be perfect either way,
> Now we have read only vs clone with vs accessors vs ...
> IMO problem caused by no clear roadmap / vision of the project that
> people can be united behind.
> --
> Anyway, even though I tried to push for asymmetric visibility last
> year I'd gladly vote +1 on this.
> It's not perfect, but it's the right direction, and there are multiple
> starting points to get there.
> This solves 80-90% of the use cases out there for read only
> properties, which is a very good start.
> --
> Nikita: Probably a small thing, but the only detail I'm unsure of is
> why focus on write-once logic? Why not aim for aligning it with a
> future *:init visibility, where I would think the property in PHP
> should be writable in __construct(), __destruct() and __clone().
> This won't solve the separate clone with feature request. But it would
> make it more flexible and language design wise would set it up for
> possible asymmetric visibility + init option later.
> For now it would at least allow setting default values on the
> property, for instance if argument to constructor is not 1 to 1 with
> property type/value and needs some light logic in __construct to
> determine if property should be set to something else then default.
> But again, don't see a blocker here in current RFC, as it starts out
> with a narrow scope of read only, and this can be widened later.

Yes, this is a possible alternative interpretation of the readonly concept.
The current proposal is closer to how Java final variables work, which
never allow reassignment, while your suggestion is closer to C# readonly,
which does allow reassigning in the constructor.

I went with the current proposal, because it integrates nicely with the
initialization concept introduced by typed properties. At the time, we also
had lots of discussions about how typed property initialization should
work, and requiring that all typed properties be initialized by the end of
the constructor was one of the contenders. However, we ultimately decided
against such an approach, because it does not integrate well with other
aspects of the language. In particular we need to have the ability to
initialize an object while bypassing the constructor, and we don't have the
ability to determine initialization statically, so an uninitialized state
would have been required in any case.

If we had gone with that alternative initialization model at the time, then
we would also use the same one for readonly properties. But that's not how
things work now. Doing something like this now would require introducing an
entirely new scoping concept. This brings up awkward questions like: How do
you bind a closure to this new "initialization scope"? Closure rebinding is
a common way to bypass visibility restrictions. What happens if you want to
call a helper method to do the initialization, does that still count as
initialization scope? What if you call $object->__construct() directly,
will that allow changing properties?

The current proposal tries to provide a simple, absolute guarantee: Once
initialized, the property will never change again. I think that makes the
feature easy to understand and reason about.


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