I would like to get karma to be able to vote on RFCs. I understand that voting 
karma isn’t usually given out to people who write their first mailing list 

But I do believe I qualify as “Lead developers of PHP based projects 
(frameworks, cms, tools, etc.)”

For those of you who don’t know me, I’ve been working with open source PHP 
projects since 2015. I am part of Symfony core team, I wrote PSR-18 and was 
part of the working group for PSR-17. I also maintain Guzzle, webmozart/assert, 
Flysystem, HTTPlug and the php-http ecosystem and about 50 other packages with 
more than 100.000 monthly downloads. 

I think I am the most downloaded PHP maintainer. 

I have been following the RFCs more closely the past 2 years and I’ve finally 
gathered some courage to ask for karma. There has not been many (maybe just one 
or two) RFCs where I wished the vote turned out the other way. So, I don’t 
think I would have any radical opinions about future RFCs. 

If I’ve understad the process correctly, I do need someone with a php.net VCS 
account to sponsor me. 

My username is: nyholm

Tobias Nyholm

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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