On Thu, Aug 5, 2021, at 5:21 PM, Kamil Tekiela wrote:
> Hi Internals,
> I have added implementation for
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/parse_str_alternative. If there are no other
> comments, I would like to start voting on Saturday.
> Regards,
> Kamil

I will be voting No on this as is.

Not because I'm against improving the query parsing tools; I'm in favor of 
that.  But as noted, this RFC doesn't do enough to improve it.  Returning a 
value and changing the name isn't enough to justify another global method.  As 
others noted, the parsing rules themselves are fugly and need to be improved.

More importantly to me, though, it is the year of our lord 2021, and PHP APIs 
have no business pretending that arrays with possibly-missing values are a data 
structure.  They're a satire of a data structure.

If you're parsing a string with known structure into something, that something 
should be a properly defined object.  The new PhpToken is a good example of 
that shift done well.  Don't give me an array where I have to mess around with 
isset() and crap like that.  

Give me a properly defined HttpQuery object with named, type-enforced 
properties and meaningful methods.  Give it a parse(string) static method and a 
__toString() method to convert back to a query string.  Anything less is, 
frankly, not worth the effort.

--Larry Garfield

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