On Fri, Aug 6, 2021, at 11:34 AM, Jordan LeDoux wrote:
> Hey all,
> I contacted Jan a few days ago to ask if they were going to try again for
> their RFC, but I wanted to get a quick temperature check on this.
> I would like to work on this RFC for 8.2, and after going through previous
> discussions on the topic, I feel like the right place to start is to limit
> the RFC to only the mathematical operators at first.
> Based on previous comments, I was considering working from Jan's previous
> implementation with these basic changes:
> 1. The only supported operators in the RFC will be the mathematical
> operators: (+, -, /, *, **, %)
> 2. The RFC would also provide an interface, (something like
> MathObjectInterface), that has all the magic methods in it.
> 3. The do_operation would be changed to check for the interface being
> implemented instead of the specific method.
> All of these operators belong to the same "group" of changes, and (broadly)
> any object that is valid to override for one of them should be valid to
> override for any of them. NOTE: There are edge cases of this statement
> certainly.
> This would help address some of the concerns that were expressed about
> misuse of things like the + operator to add things to a cache. It would
> more explicitly take a position on how these operators should be used in
> userland code to keep them more consistent with the behavior of these
> operators in normal PHP code.
> This would be my first contribution and my first RFC, so I wanted to get
> some very broad feedback on this before diving in.
> It would suggest that future sets of operators could come with their own
> interfaces to also attempt to guarantee an all-or-nothing approach in
> userland code, (BitwiseObjectInterface, ComparableObjectInterface,
> LogicalObjectInterface, etc.). Though decisions on any of those operators
> or their implementations would be left as future scope.
> Jordan

If you wanted to cluster them, I would strongly recommend much smaller 
groupings.  IMO, adding two collections to get another collection -- like we 
add/merge arrays -- is a completely reasonable thing to do, but would only use 
+ and potentially - (for removing items from a collection and returning the 
smaller collection). But * and / make no sense in that context.

Even if you confine yourself to mathematical concepts, matrix multiplication is 
a well-established thing that would make sense for math-centric applications to 
do.  But matrix division is... somewhat more fiddly, and has multiple possible 
definitions.  (Note: I've not done matrix math in over 20 years, so I'm basing 
that statement on some quick googling.)

So I don't think force-grouping the overloads makes sense, in practice.  I'm 
still open to operator overloading in general, but I don't think the clustering 
is going to help.  The weird and complicated type interactions, particularly 
when it comes to commutablity, are a much larger issue, IMO.

--Larry Garfield

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