On Thu, 26 Aug 2021 at 12:42, Björn Larsson via internals
<internals@lists.php.net> wrote:
> Den 2021-08-10 kl. 11:55, skrev Philip Hofstetter:
> > The following valid <= PHP 8.0 code that intends to make the $line property
> > public  is a fatal error in 8.1
> >
> > For method return types, we have #[ReturnTypeWillChange], but for property
> > types 🤷‍♀️

> Hi,
> Has this been adressed / solved in some way and does it needs
> to be fixed?

My understanding is that the two scenarios are not the same and that
there isn't much enthusiasm for 'fixing' it.

For return types, the #[ReturnTypeWillChange] annotation is a
temporary work-around, and one that would be used by a lot of people.
It would only be used by a library until that library drops support
for older versions of PHP.

For the exception case, the way that (for legacy reasons) PHP supports
having a public property in a child class that "overwrites" (mostly)
the protected property in the parent class, is a pretty hinkey thing
to do, and so this is likely to only affect a small number of people.
It's not obvious to me how long a bridging annotation would need to
hang around for, and it's really not obvious what the exact details of
how it would work would be.

I'd suggest using a getter method, which would work on all relevant versions.


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