Zitat von Wez Furlong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Thu, 12 Aug 2004 16:16:51 -0400, Jon Parise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
And what if Jan doesn't know C or feel comfortable writing PHP
extension code, for example?

Even more reason to stop complaining and wait for someone with the appropriate skill to get home from work and give the problem the investigation it deserves.

Just to calm this thread down (the issue is fixed anyway, thanks to everyone involved): no, i don't have enough C skills to fix it myself, and no, I didn't want to complain, I just feared that I didn't make clear with my first message that this was a BC break and that 4.3.9 might be released with this broken behaviour. I even rewrote that message to make it sound less complaining before I sent it. In the end it's all about language nuances that you don't get if you aren't a native speaker.


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