Hey Marco Pivetta,

> Would it perhaps make sense to drag in php-ds, which has matured quite a bit 
> over the years? I'm referring to: 
> https://www.php.net/manual/en/class.ds-sequence.php
> Is what you are suggesting with `Vector` different from it?
> Note: For some reason, I can't quote your post and then reply, so it will be 
> a top-post 🤷‍♀️

This was outlined in the section 
https://wiki.php.net/rfc/vector#why_not_use_php-ds_instead before I sent out 
the announcement. To expand on that,

This has been asked about multiple times in threads on unrelated proposals 
(https://externals.io/message/112639#112641 and 
https://externals.io/message/93301#93301 years ago) throughout the years,
but the maintainer of php-ds had a long term goal of developing the separately 
from php's release cycle (and was still focusing on the PECL when I'd asked on 
the GitHub issue in the link almost a year ago).

- There have been no proposals from the maintainer to do that so far, that was 
what the maintainer mentioned as a long term plan.
- I personally doubt having it developed separately from php's release cycle 
would be accepted by voters (e.g. if unpopular decisions couldn't be voted 
against), or how backwards compatibility would be handled in that model, and 
had other concerns. (e.g. API debates such as 
- With php-ds itself getting merged anytime soon seeming unlikely to me, I 
decided to start independently working on efficient data structure 

I don't see dragging it in (against the maintainer's wishes) as a viable option 
for many, many, many reasons.
But having efficient datastructures in PHP's core is still useful.

- While PECL development outside of php has its benefits for development and 
ability to make new features available in older php releases,
  it's less likely that application and 
  library authors will start making use of those data structures because many 
users won't have any given PECL already installed. 
  (though php-ds also publishes a polyfill, it would not have the cpu and 
memory savings, and add its own overhead)

- Additionally, users (and organizations using PHP) can often make stronger 
assumptions on
  backwards compatibility and long-term availability of functionality that is 
merged into PHP's core.

So the choice of feature set, some names, signatures, and internal 
implementation details are different, because this is reimplementing a common 
datastructure found in different forms in many languages.
It's definitely a mature project, but I personally feel like reimplementing 
this (without referring to the php-ds source code and without copying the 
entire api as-is) is the best choice to add efficient data structures to core 
while respecting the maintainer's work on the php-ds project and their wish to 
maintain control over the php-ds project.

As a result, I've been working on implementing data structures such as Vector 
based on php-src's data structure implementations (mostly SplFixedArray and 
ArraayObject) instead (and based on my past PECL/RFC experience, e.g. with 


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