Hi internals,

Because the naming choice for new datastructures is a question that has been 
asked many times,
I plan to create another straw poll (Single transferrable vote) on wiki.php.net 
to gather feedback on the naming pattern to use for future additions of 
datastructures to the SPL,
with the arguments for and against the naming pattern.

https://wiki.php.net/rfc/namespaces_in_bundled_extensions recently passed.
It permits using the same namespace that is already used in an extension,
but offers guidance in choosing namespace names and allows for using namespaces 
in new categories of functionality.

The planned options are:

1. `\Deque`, the name currently used in the RFC/implementation. See 

   This was my preference because it was short, making it easy to remember and 
convenient to use.
2. `\SplDeque`, similar to datastructures added to the `Spl` in PHP 5.3.

   (I don't prefer that name because `SplDoublyLinkedList`, `SplStack`, and 
`SplQueue` are subclasses of a doubly linked list with poor performance,
   and this name would easily get confused with them. Also, historically, none 
of the functionality with that naming pattern has been final.
   However, good documentation (e.g. suggesting `*Deque` instead where possible 
in the manual) would make that less of an issue.)

   See https://wiki.php.net/rfc/deque#lack_of_name_prefix (and arguments for 
3. `\Collection\Deque` - the singular form is proposed because this might grow 
long-term to contain not just collections,
   but also functionality related to collections in the future(e.g. helper 
classes for building classes
   (e.g. `ImmutableSequenceBuilder` for building an `ImmutableSequence`), 
global functions, traits/interfaces,
   collections of static methods, etc.
   (especially since https://wiki.php.net/rfc/namespaces_in_bundled_extensions 
prevents more than one level of namespaces)

   Additionally, all existing extension names in php-src are singular, not 
plural. https://github.com/php/php-src/tree/master/ext 
   (Except for `sockets`, but that defines `socket_*` and `class Socket` and 
I'd assume it would be named `Socket\` anyway, the rfc didn't say exactly 

   So the namespace's contents might not just be `Collections`, but rather all 
functionality related to a `Collection`)
   Also, the examples in the "namespaces in bundled extension" RFC were all 

   > For example, the `array_is_list()` function added in PHP 8.1 should indeed 
be called `array_is_list()`
   > and should not be introduced as `Array\is_list()` or similar.
   > Unless and until existing `array_*()` functions are aliased under an 
Array\* namespace,
   > new additions should continue to be of the form `array_*()` to maintain 
horizontal consistency.

   See https://wiki.php.net/rfc/deque#global_namespace (and 

   Also, straw polls for other categories of functionality 
   had shown interest of around half of voters in adopting namespaces,
   there was disagreement about the best namespace to use (e.g. none that were 
preferred to the global namespace),
   making me hesitant to propose namespaces in any RFC. For an ordinary 
collection datastructure, the situation may be different.

While there is considerable division in whether or not members of internals 
want to adopt namespaces,
I hope that the final outcome of the poll will be accepted by members of 
as what the representative of the majority of the members of internals 
(from diverse backgrounds such as contributors/leaders of userland 
applications/frameworks/composer libraries written in PHP,
documentation contributors, PECL authors, php-src maintainers, etc. (all of 
which I expect are also end users of php))
want to use as a naming choice in future datastructure additions to PHP.
(and I hope there is a clear majority)


Are there any other suggestions to consider for namespaces to add to the straw 

Several suggestions that have been brought up in the past are forbidden by the 
accepted policy RFC (https://wiki.php.net/rfc/namespaces_in_bundled_extensions)
and can't be used in an RFC.

- `Spl\`, `Core\`, and `Standard\` are forbidden: "Because these extensions 
combine a lot of unrelated or only tangentially related functionality, symbols 
should not be namespaced under the `Core`, `Standard` or `Spl` namespaces.
  Instead, these extensions should be considered as a collection of different 
components, and should be namespaced according to these."
- More than one namespace component (`A\B\`) is forbidden
- Namespace names should follow CamelCase.


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