> On Sep 19, 2021, at 8:55 AM, tyson andre <tysonandre...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Mike Schinkel,
>> Hmm. I must have missed that thread as I was definitely following the list 
>> at that time. 
>> But I found the thread, which only had three (3) comments from others:
>> https://externals.io/message/112639
>> From Levi Morrison it seems his objection was to adding `push()` and `pop()` 
>> to a class including the name "Fixed."  Levi suggested soft-deprecating 
>> `SplStack` because it was implemented as a linked-list, but he proposed 
>> adding `Spl\ArrayStack` or similar, so it seems he was open to iterating on 
>> the `Spl` classes in general (no pun intended.) 
>> From Nikita is seemed that he did not object so much as comment on Levi's 
>> suggestion of adding `Spl\ArrayStack` and suggested instead an `SqlDeque` 
>> that would handle queue usage more efficiently that plain PHP arrays.
>> So I think those responses were promising, but that you did not followed up 
>> on them. I mean no disrespect — we all get busy, our priorities change, and 
>> things fall off our radar — but it feels to me like you might have more 
>> success pursing your use-cases related to the `Spl` classes than via a pure 
>> `Vector` class.
> Experience in past RFCs gave me the impression that if:
> 1. All of the responses are suggesting using a different approach(php-ds, 
> arrays),
> 2. Other comments are negative or uninterested.
> 3. None of the feedback on the original idea is positive or interested in it.
> When feedback was like that, voting would typically have mostly "no" results.

Understood, but for clarity I was implying that wanting to change 
`SplFixedArray` was an "XY problem" and that maybe the way to address your 
actually use-cases was to pursue other approaches that people were suggesting, 
which _is_ what you did yesterday.  :-)

>> Maybe propose an `SplVector` class that extends `SplFixedArray`, or 
>> something similar that addresses the use-case and with a name that people 
>> can agree on?
> I'd be stuck with all of the features in `SplFixedArray` that get introduced 
> later and its design deisions.

You wouldn't be stuck with all the feature of `SplFixedArray` if you did 
"something similar." 

(I make this point only as it seems you have dismiss one aspect of my 
suggestion while not acknowledging the alternatives I present. Twice now, at 

>> I wavered on whether or not to propose a configurable growth factor, but 
>> ironically I did so to head off the potential complaint from anyone who 
>> cares deeply about memory usage (isn't that you?) that not allowing the 
>> growth factor to be configurable would mean that either the class would use 
>> too much memory for some use-cases, or would need to reallocate more memory 
>> too frequently for other use-cases, depending on what the default growth 
>> factor would be.
>> That said, I don't see how a configurable growth factor should be 
>> problematic for PHP? For those who don't need/care to optimize memory usage 
>> or reallocation frequency they can simply ignore it; no harm done. But for 
>> those who do care, it would give them the ability to fine tune their memory 
>> usage, which for selected use-cases could mean the difference between being 
>> able to implement something in PHP, or not.
>> Note that someone could easily argue that adding a memory-optimized data 
>> structure when we already have a perfectly flexible data structure with PHP 
>> arrays that can be used for the same algorithms is "excessive for a 
>> high-level language."  But then I don't think you would make that argument, 
>> so why make it for a configurable growth factor? #honestquestion
> The growth factor is even lower level than shrinkToFit/reserve, and requires 
> extra memory to store the float,
> extra cpu time to do floating point multiplication rather than doubling,
> and additional API methods for something that 99% of applications wouldn't 
> use.
> I consider it more suitable for a low level language.

I respect your points here, but disagree.

> And if we discover a different resizing strategy is better, it prevents us 
> from changing it.

This is not true. 

We could easily no-op the GrowthFactor method and it would not break anything 
in 99.9...% percent of use-cases.

The relevant question here should be, what is the likelihood of us discovering 
a better resizing strategy that would not benefit at all from a growth factor?  
Is there evidence of one anywhere else?  I know that Go — designed to be 
performant to the extent it does not add complexity — uses a growth factor.

>> And finally I think when you conveyed the intent of the author of `ext-ds` 
>> you omitted part of his full statement. When seen in full I believe his 
>> statement conveys a different interest than the partial one implies:
>> https://github.com/php-ds/ext-ds/issues/156
>> While he did say "My long-term intention has been to not merge this 
>> extension into php-src" he immediately also said "I would like to see it 
>> become available as a default extension at the distribution level." 
>> Based on his full statement I assume that an RFC that would propose adding 
>> an uncommented  `extension=ext-ds.so` in the default `php.ini` would have 
>> the author of ext-ds' backing. Assuming 2/3rd of voters would agree, that 
>> seems like a really easy lift, implementation-wise?
>> Adding an apparently well-respected extension to default `php.ini` and 
>> mentioning in the release notes so that userland PHP developers would become 
>> aware of it, start using it, writing blog posts about it, and asking 
>> questions on StackOverflow about it would be a net plus. And those who use 
>> managed PHP hosts that stick with the officially-blessed extensions would 
>> actually finally have access to it; those who use WordPress managed hosts, 
>> for example. 
> Do you mean "commented" (with `;extension=ext-ds`) or "uncommented"?

Definitely uncommented.  

Otherwise it would not be available in a default install and thus not available 
at for most web hosts.

> I read the response in a totally different way.

Which is why it is helpful to have multiple people interpret online 
communication when the communication is from someone not currently 
participating in the discussion. :-)

> See https://externals.io/message/116048#116054 for more details,I've been 
> busy answering emails and haven't had time to collect all of the feedback and 
> update this RFC with that,
> but I'd planned to.
>> There have been no proposals from the maintainer to do that so far,
>  that was what the maintainer mentioned as a long term plan.
>> **I personally doubt having it developed separately from php's release cycle 
>> would be accepted by voters 
>  (e.g. if unpopular decisions couldn't be voted against), or how backwards 
> compatibility would be handled in that model, and had other concerns.** 
>  (e.g. API debates such as https://externals.io/message/93301#93301)
>> With php-ds itself getting merged anytime soon seeming unlikely to me,
>  I decided to start independently working on efficient data structure 
> implementations.
> If you look at the bottom of the thread, the maintainer had closed the 
> request 
> and Benjamin Morel had asked about reconsidering 8 months ago 
> https://github.com/php-ds/ext-ds/issues/156#issuecomment-752179461

Yes, I had read that before sending my reply.

> Since the maintainer hadn't responded since then (and due to above points),
> I don't see a point in repeating the same request to reconsider when nothing 
> has changed.
> (Also, they're working on a v2 major release, and there's no timeline for 
> that that I know of. It could be several years.)

Maybe I am missing something, but since he published it as open-source and said 
he wants it to be included in distribution I would not think it would requires 
the maintainer to have to be the one to do the work to get it into PHP. I think 
it would be perfectly acceptable for supporters of his library to do the work 
to get into PHP.  

Why would that not be an option?

And rather than make a wrong assumption we could minimally you could submit an 
issue on his repo asking the specific question of whether or not he would 
support adding `ext-ds` to `php.ini`. Then we would know explicitly. 

(#fwiw I don't plan to do that myself because I don't currently have a strong 
need for these data structures so am not one to write then champion such an 

>> Of course including it would not preclude adding new data structures into 
>> core in the future. Heck, with more people using `ext-ds` there will likely 
>> be greater awareness of such functionality and better recognition of its 
>> short-comings — assuming it has them — and thus facilitate more interest in 
>> adding better data structures to PHP core later on.
>> Also, I noticed in that 5-year old link you referenced that a few vocal 
>> members on the list bikeshedded over some of the finer details of the 
>> `ext-ds` API.  If an RFC to include `ext-ds` in `php.ini` were to be 
>> submitted I would implore those people and others to consider that this is 
>> the inclusion of an extension to `php.ini` and not a feature in PHP core, 
>> and thus to please not let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
>> =====
>> Given the above, I think you have one of two (2) potential directions to 
>> pursue (or both) that each might bring more fruit than the RFC discussed on 
>> this thread:
>> 1. Propose an additional Spl class.
> This is an additional class **in** Spl. Nothing is forcing all future 
> functionality to use Spl as a prefix,
> `ArrayObject` already exists without a prefix (Iterators also exist without 
> an `Spl` prefix),
> and as an end user, my personal preference is short names.
> And functionality has moved from Spl to core before (e.g. `Iterator` 
> originated in Spl and moved to core)
> Those data structures were all added in php 5.3.
> PHP has had significantly stricter discussion and voting threshold 
> requirements for the introduction of new functionality since then,
> performance and memory usage improvements, etc., and using a different naming 
> pattern for new data structures that fill in missing functionality
> or add better functionality is something I feel is worth proposing to 
> distinguish new additions from the old data structures.

Yes, all true — and I dislike Spl too — but my point was you'd probably more 
likely see success quicker if you proposed in Spl.  

But if that's not something you would do, then it a moot point.

>> 2. Propose addition of ext-ds to the default php.ini
> I feel like it would be inappropriate for someone who isn't a maintainer of 
> ext-ds to propose that,
> especially when I'm unclear about the exact form of their long-term goals, 
> project plans, or when ext-ds 2.0 would be out.

I already commented on that above so won't repeat it here.  

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