On 19/11/2021 09:38, Giovanni Giacobbi wrote:
Why don't you guys keep the same page for the whole 8.x series? You just
need to drop the ".0" and append at the end (maybe stating what's new from
8.1 specifically). The rationale is that people will be migrating from 7.x
for a long time (hell, I'm still maintaining some legacy 5.x projects), so
it would be nice to have all 8.x major language features in one page. Early
8.0 adopters might be better checking the detailed changelog for 8.1 or
just the regular announcement.

I was thinking the same - a "PHP 7 upgrade" I worked on ended up as a jump from 5.6 to 7.4, and I had to trawl through the migration guides to remember what interesting features we were getting access to. It would have been great to have something that listed the highlights.

Perhaps there should be a section at the end of the 8.1 page saying something like "If you're still on PHP 7.x, upgrading gets you all this as well!" with the headlines from the 8.0 page, and a link through.


Rowan Tommins

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