On 09-12-2021 21:11, Jordan LeDoux wrote:
Hello internals,

I last brought this RFC up for discussion in August, and there was
certainly interesting discussion. Since then there have been many
improvements, and I'd like to re-open discussion on this RFC. I mentioned
in the first email to the list that I was planning on taking a while before
approaching a vote, however the RFC is much closer to vote-ready now, and
I'd like to open discussion with that in mind.

RFC Link: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/user_defined_operator_overloads

Hi Jordan,

Thanks a lot for your work on this RFC! I like the direction this is going.

One thing that may be worthwhile looking into is the query builder use case. I mentioned it before:


Basically it would enable using plain PHP expressions in stead of strings. So in stead of

    $query->where('product.price < ?1')->setParameter(1, 100);

one could write:

    $query->where(Price < 100);

Here Price is a class that represents a database column which has a (static) overload of the '<' operator. The operator overload yields an object representing a database expression, which gets passed to the where() method.

In general I don't like this sort of clever construct which makes one wonder what on earth is going on. The reason I do like this particular use case is that it can simplify code and enable static analysis of query expressions.

Now I'm not suggesting to support this creative use of operator overloading in the current RFC. It may however be useful to consider if this use case could be supported by a future RFC in a backward compatible way. Perhaps the RFC could mention it as a possible future extension.

Kind regards,
Dik Takken

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