On 23 May 2022, at 19:58, Juliette Reinders Folmer 
<php-internals_nos...@adviesenzo.nl> wrote:
> I also fear that for code bases which do not (yet) use scalar type 
> declarations, this will be one more argument not to introduce scalar type 
> declarations (while they should).
> I'd say that for this RFC to be acceptable it would need to apply to all 
> implicit type coercions to boolean. However, the BC-break that would cause 
> and the fall-out of this for non-greenfields codebases is just too huge, 
> which, to me, makes this RFC a very strong no-no.

Forgive my ignorance, but when scalar types were introduced, I initially 
assumed type coercion would use the same rules as `strval($var)`, `(string) 
$val`, `'a' . $val`, `intval($val)`, etc. I now appreciate that isn't the case, 
but I never understood why the following functions were not equivalent:

function my_function1($s, $i, $f, $b) {
  $s = strval($s);
  $i = intval($i);
  $f = floatval($f);
  $b = boolval($b);
  var_dump($s, $i, $f, $b);

function my_function2(string $s, int $i, float $f, bool $b) {
  var_dump($s, $i, $f, $b);

Where the second function, using scalar type declarations, has the advantage of 
being much shorter, and clearer for Static Analysis, IDE's, documentation, 
etc... if only it was as easy to add to existing projects.

This isn't to say `boolval()` and other ways of changing type to a boolean 
couldn't throw a type error with unrecognised strings (e.g. "false"), and doing 
so might make sense (although I do share Juliette's concerns about the 


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