
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/random_extension_improvement

Thanks, but I am not sure about your argument in "Classnames are not
canonicalized": does "PHP applies strict PascalCase to class names"
(which remains to be proved) really imply to rename *acronyms* (e.g.
"CombinedLCG" to "CombinedLcg")? especially given existing classes
like "SimpleXMLElement" (not "SimpleXmlElement"), and that the
accepted "Class Naming" RFC (https://wiki.php.net/rfc/class-naming)
voted for "PascalCase except Acronyms" (not "Always PascalCase") --

| Abbreviations start with a capital letter followed by lowercase
letters, whereas acronyms and initialisms are written according to
their standard notation.

| Good:
| 'CurlResponse'
| 'HTTPStatusCode'

| Bad:
| 'curl_response'
| 'HttpStatusCode'

(Not that I really care but...)


Guilliam Xavier

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