>> > https://wiki.php.net/rfc/random_extension_improvement
>> I just realized a little thing: in the array_rand() example, for
>> $beforeSingle, it would probably be "more realistic" to omit `, 1`
>> (which is already the default for $num).
>> Note: for `Randomizer::pickArrayKeys(array $array, int $num): array`,
>> it makes sense that $num does *not* have a default value (1 would be
>> "weird" because the method always returns a *list of keys*, and
>> count($array) [via null] would be "useless" because keys are returned
>> *in their original order* [so it would make the method equivalent to
>> array_keys($array) by default]),
>> and that's probably a good thing (it forces to update the call by
>> adding an explicit `, 1` argument and reminds to add a `[0]` or
>> similar on the returned value).
>> An alternative design would be `Randomizer::pickArrayKey(array
>> $array): int|string`, but migrating existing uses with $num != 1 would
>> be harder, so probably not better.
> This is certainly a complicated issue.
> I proposed the signature `Randomizer::arrayPickKeys(array $array, int $num): 
> array` because it can be solved with the current PHP sugar syntax and the 
> default value of $num is 1 despite the name "arrayPickKeys".
> However, this is a bit tricky and may not be user-friendly for the average 
> user.
> So, how about adding two methods, `Randomizer::arrayPickKey(array $array): 
> int|string` and `Randomizer::arrayPickKeys(array $array, int $num): array`?
> This may seem redundant, but it may avoid user confusion.

Sorry if I wasn't clear: I just suggested to make this little change
in the example:

-$beforeSingle = array_rand(['foo' => 'foo', 'bar' => 'bar', 'baz' =>
'baz'], 1); // (string) foo
+$beforeSingle = array_rand(['foo' => 'foo', 'bar' => 'bar', 'baz' =>
'baz']); // (string) foo

to make it more "realistic".

As concerns the rest (about pickArrayKeys): sorry for the digression,
I was just "thinking out loud", I *don't* want any change there
(first, it makes sense that pickArrayKeys has `int $num` *without* a
default value [even if array_rand has 1]; second, "pickArrayKey" [if
really wanted] is trivial to implement in userland as a wrapper around
pickArrayKeys [but the opposite would not be so], and I don't think
that adding *both* methods to Randomizer is desirable either [better
keep it simple/minimal]).


Guilliam Xavier

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