
On 9/5/22 23:12, Larry Garfield wrote:
RFC: Improve unserialize() error handling

Well-explained and well-argued.  The only thing I'd add is that we should 
consider bumping the E_NOTICE to an E_WARNING, *and* slating it to increase to 
an exception in 9.0.  This feels like a smaller BC concern than most, but 
people are extra sensitive these days about those edge cases so it's probably 
good to be cautious.

Can you please clarify whether you mean:

1. Change the existing E_WARNING option to "E_WARNING+Exception in 9.0".
2. Add a new "E_WARNING+Exception in 9.0" option the vote, such that the vote will be "E_WARNING" vs "E_WARNING+Exception in 9.0" vs "Exception"

Best regards
Tim Düsterhus

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