Hi Timmy,

Good suggestion.

This seems like a no brainer, and definitely good to add streams support
for glob filepaths. You're right, we currently have to work around this in
userland. Your code example workaround is super ugly :)

I'm intersted to know, from others, if there are deeper technical reasons
why this wouldn't be a good idea, because I'm not it

Unless my memory is wrong, Sara was heavily involved in the initial streams
API, and might be good to see what she thinks too, from an implementation
POV :)

Many thanks,

On Wed, 14 Sep 2022, 17:59 Timmy Almroth, <timmy.almr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone. I would like to announce that the RFC for "StreamWrapper
> Support for glob()" is now ready for Discussion.
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/glob_streamwrapper_support
> Feature Request and Discussions
> https://github.com/php/php-src/issues/9224
> Regards,
> Tim

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