While this would definitely be handy, it seems (to me, and I am not by
any means an expert on these things,) that it would make more sense to
add this to a string-munging library instead of integrating it into
the PHP language itself.

On Wed, 1 Sep 2004 08:22:14 -0700, Sara Golemon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> He wants to store an UNinterpolated string somewhere (like a DB or text
> file), then interpolate it at run-time.
> $sitename = 'php.net';
> $username = 'pollita';
> $string = $db->getOne('SELECT somestring FROM thetable WHERE id=\'foo\'');
> /* $string now contains something like:  'Welcome to {$sitename}. You are
> logged in as {$username}'
> * He wants $string to get interpolated into:  'Welcome to php.net.  You are
> logged in as pollita'
> */
> I've thought this would be a nice thing to have as well, but it's not
> something that can be trivially ripped out of the compiler and I havn't
> personally had the motivation to actually get it done.
> -Sara

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