Hello php internals team,
I would like to put forward an RFC for a new feature. I am a long time user, 
but have never participated as yet to the RFC.

This is my first step to gather reaction/feedback from the team.

I would be happy to implement the feature and post a PR or have someone from 
the team implement this.

The feature I want to put forward is "const function arguments" (same for 

This feature is available in cpp, and I believe would be a benefit to the php 

My RFC would fully detail and clarify what this is and how it works.

This feature allows the user to specify "const" on a function arg, so that the 
argument while in a function can not be reassigned.

The following example would throw an exception at compile/runtime.

public function foo(const int $bar)
   $bar =3D "buz";

The same for complex types such as arrays and classes, if a 'const' arg is 
provided, while in the function it can not be reassigned.

Please let me know if this is something the team is interested in and if I 
should proceed.

Kind regards.
Sam McDonald.

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