2023-07-17 14:25 GMT+02:00, Karoly Negyesi <kar...@negyesi.net>:
> Hi,
> I tried to read on why the pipe RFC failed but by and large I also failed.
> The discussion on https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/7214 is very short.
> https://externals.io/message/114770 is not so short but it seems not to
> cover the latest version which uses first class functions?
> Could someone please give me a summary why it failed? I really would like
> to see it succeed :) I am writing code if not daily but certainly weekly
> that certainly looks like a pipeline.

The pipe RFC was kinda forced in before a deadline, no?

My own two cents:

* It's trivial to implement a pipe() function or a Pipe class
* A Pipe class is better than both a function and built-in operator,
since it can be configured with custom behaviour, e.g. stop or throw
on empty payload, or repeat on a collection, or even with parallelism
or concurrency
* If I had voting rights, I'd vote in favor in a pipe operator :)


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