On Wed, Oct 18, 2023, at 1:12 PM, Robert Landers wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 18, 2023 at 2:51 PM someniatko <somenia...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi internals,
>> There is often a need to compare whether two objects are equal. For
>> example, a popular [brick/money](https://packagist.org/packages/brick/money)
>> library has a `Money` class, which has an `equals()` method. However, this
>> becomes tedious to implement such methods, when multiple nested objects are
>> involved. For instance, Money has an amount and a currency.
>> There were already suggestions on the mailing list to allow "overloading"
>> existing `==` operator, and some suggestions went even as far as
>> overloading `<`, `>=` etc operators. However, overloading existing
>> operators may lead to a BC break between the PHP version which does support
>> the functionality, and which doesn't. It won't result in a BC break in case
>> it's an entirely new syntax, because a library or a project won't be able
>> to write code which overloads `==` in say PHP 8.4, but with code which
>> still works in PHP 8.3 - it will have to require PHP 8.4+. But if it is
>> implemented as a magic method, then `==` will work differently for 8.3 and
>> 8.4.
>> I suggest thinking about introducing a new operator `~=`, which signifies
>> that custom equality is requested. In such a case,  `==` will work as it
>> works now, and by default `~=` will work also like `==`, unless its
>> behavior is overwritten via a magic method. If a magic method is not
>> present in a class being compared, `~=` will compare two objects field by
>> field, but using `~=` comparison rather than `==` comparison, recursively.
>> For instance, a Money object may consist of Amount and Currency. If two
>> Moneys are compared using `~=`, and Money does not implement a magic
>> method, Amount also doesn't implement it, but Currency does, then Amounts
>> are compared using  `~=` which is equal to `==` comparison in this case,
>> but Currencies are compared using their custom comparison logic.
>> This approach allows combining
>> - no BC break - `~=` is a new syntax which is unavailable in older PHP
>> versions
>> - explicitly showing an intent that objects are compared using a custom
>> comparison, rather than standard PHP one
>> - allow to skip writing boilerplate equals() methods which just forward
>> equals() to the nested objects
>> - standardize such comparisons on the language level
>> Of course how exactly this operator looks may be changed, `~=` is just an
>> example.
>> WDYT?
>> Regards,
>> Illia / someniatko
> I like it.
> One thing I really like about this proposal is that, in theory, it
> could open the door to new operators like ~<, ~<=, ~!, ~= which can be
> similarly implemented.
> It also makes me wonder if something similar to scala can be
> implemented, where any operator beginning with "~" can just call an
> associated magic method. I'm not sure how it would be implemented
> though, since I don't think you can use symbols/operators in method
> names. But if you wanted a pipe operator, you could add one via ~|.
> It'd allow for more useful DSL's that are implemented in PHP, as
> currently, it doesn't really make sense to create a DSL that is
> actually PHP since you can't override any operators.
> That being said, my only criticism is that it will be really easy to
> forget the ~ when writing code. It's a true shame that overloading
> wasn't added to the language, as it makes it an impractical language
> for entire classes of problems/solutions.
> Robert Landers
> Software Engineer
> Utrecht NL

Honestly I'm still on team operator-override.  *Most* major languages have 
operator overloading, and it doesn't seem to cause a problem.  (According to my 
research, C++, Kotlin, Swift, Rust, C#, Haskell, Python, and Ruby all have 
operator overloading.  Go, TypeScript, PHP, and Javascript do not.  Java has 
comparison-only overloading so it's in the middle.)  Most of the "it causes so 
many problems" arguments are, from what I can tell, greatly over-exaggerated.

More to the point, the key question is whether anyone who voted No on the 
previous operator overloading RFC would vote Yes on an 
operator-overloading-but-only-with-an-opt-in-prefix RFC.  If not, then it 
doesn't really buy us anything.  If so, then it's possible as a compromise but 
would, frankly, be strictly inferior to just using the native operators we 
already have.

So the real question is: Would anyone who voted No on operator overloading 
before vote Yes on it if it used ~=,  ~>, ~+, etc. instead?

---Larry Garfield

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