On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 8:37 AM Oladoyinbo Vincent
<oladoyin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings to you all,
> I will like to submit an RFC on introducing type alias to php.
> Even though Generics won't or never be introduced to PHP, personally i will
> like php to add the type alias feature.
> Type aliases provide a mechanism to create more descriptive and readable
> type hints in PHP code. This enhancement will improve code readability and
> maintainability and also to promote type reusability.
> Motivation:
> The motivation behind introducing type aliases is to:
> 1. Enhance code readability by allowing developers to use meaningful type
> hint names.
> 2. Improve code maintainability by reducing the likelihood of type hint
> updates throughout the codebase.
> 3. Encourage the adoption of best practices for type hinting.
> Proposal:
> Syntax:
> Type aliases will be declared using the `type` or `typealias` keyword,
> followed by the alias name, an equal sign (`=`), and the type it is aliased
> to.
> Sample:
> ```
> type MyType = string;
> // or
> typealias MyType = string;
> // Advance
> type MyType = string|null;
> // or
> type MyType = [string, null];
> ```
> Usage:
> Type aliases can be used in parameter and return type hints as follows:
> ```
> function greetings(MyType $message): string {
>     // Implementation
> }
> greetings(1); // TypeError
> ```
> Since this is just a basic feature, Type aliases Inheritance (compound
> type) may not be added, since we are not digging deeper into generics :).
> References:
> https://docs.python.org/3/glossary.html#term-type-alias
> https://doc.rust-lang.org/beta/reference/items/type-aliases.html
> https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/typescript-in-5-minutes-func.html#type-aliases
> So, What do you think?

Please make these aliases either per-file (easiest to implement with
the current design of types, in my humble opinion) or able to be

If I have an alias called Currency and a class somewhere else called
Currency, what will happen if one file is included before the other?
How will I specify that I want an alias or class of the same name?
Will I need to alias the class, or can I alias the type alias?

How will autoloading work with composer? Will a file called
"Currency.php" be needed to discover the type alias?

Robert Landers
Software Engineer
Utrecht NL

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