> I have posted a new RFC at this link https://wiki.php.net/rfc/empty_function
> where I suggested some improvements to the standard built-in empty()
> function and provided a number of examples.

Is your "is_empty()" function equivalent to something like:

function is_empty($param = null)
    return empty($param) && $param !== false && $param !== 0 && $param !== 0.0;

If so, that might actually be kinda nice? I was looking for something
like that the other day.

Regardless, I wouldn't do the BC-break; I'd be more inclined to (very
begrudgingly) leave empty() and warn against its use, and have
is_empty() as a new thing. Maybe for some future deprecation or

I also do like the idea that someone else mentioned here about being
able to possibly start to get away from @'ing variables with a
solution like this.


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