Hi Saki,

Welcome to the internal mailing list! I had looked the pull request,
and I'm pleased to have received your email promptly.

Thank you!

Now, I agree that it is often not possible to use `PDO::FETCH_CLASS`
because DB column names are typically snake case and variables and
properties are camel case.

IMHO, passing arguments to the constructor in order is a good
approach, but I think another option would be to give attributes to
properties and map data appropriately when using PDO::FETCH_CLASS.

private string $userName;

The main motivation for this new fetch mode is the fact that it is now
infeasible to use the constructor. You would expect to use
`PDO::FETCH_CLASS` for it, as you're trying to create a class, but that
is impossible entirely. You need to resort to a hacky usage of
`PDO::FETCH_FUNC`, which in my view is unwanted. A nice consequence of
using the constructor is that the casings need not match. I like the
idea of using annotations, but they solve a different problem I think.

In addition to the concerns mentioned in the pull request, I'm also
concerned that more modes with similar functionality will confuse

That is a valid concern. When I first starting looking into this I was
also a bit overwhelmed by the amount of possibilities one has. I think
giving an appropriate name to this new fetch mode is therefore
important. I thought of `PDO::FETCH_CONSTRUCTOR`, but I'm happy to hear
other ideas.

Kind regards,

Frederik van der Els

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