On Thu, Feb 8, 2024 at 6:25 PM Григорий Senior PHP / Разработчик Web
<6562...@gmail.com> wrote:
> PHPStan is out the case.

May I know why is it out?

I'm actively using it in my projects and it helps me a lot to not
relax and write safe code. It also helps a lot in cleaning up legacy
code. Sometimes I find places in the legacy code where the logic is
too hard to understand in a reasonable amount of time, but they're
rare. These places can be enveloped with additional logging with no

I'm referring to your initial use case about collecting errors and I'm
suggesting a good tool to solve it. You may start from lower assertion
levels in PHPStan and gradually increase the level to be not ruined by
tons of errors at a time. Of course, I don't know your situation. But
what I do in such cases - is explain to the business the problem and
what steps are required to improve the situation. So the business is
aware of it, the business should not have false impressions about the
code and false expectations from me. Just prefer to be open and tell
the truth. Not prefer to be a yes-man and promise speedy magic
solutions. I'm a professional developer and if I'm asked to do some
crappy coding regularly, I would prefer to leave such a job. My
selling point is to produce high-quality well-architected code.

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