
On 2/15/24 16:44, Sara Golemon wrote:
* Define the conditions under which exceptions will be thrown (and which
exceptions) - I'll add these to the RFC, but in short:
   * CurlException - Never, it's an interface type to group the other

Interface or base Exception? I would suggest base exception for consistency with \Random\RandomException and \DateException and because of the reasoning I gave in this PR:


   * CurlHandleException - Whenever a CurlHandle::method() fails (in lieu of
returning false)
   * CurlMultiException - Same, but for the CurlMultiHandle class.
   * CurlShareException - Same, but for the CurlShareHandle class.

You already said that you would clarify, but I'm not sure if I find the distinction between Handle/Multi/Share useful.

An invalid option being passed to curl_setopt() and curl_multi_setopt() is an invalid option in both cases. No need to differentiate the exception type, because you know what function you called. In fact it should probably be a ValueError and not even something ext/curl-specific. Likewise a connection failure would be a connection failure, no matter if it is emitted by a handle or a multihandle: This could be a CurlConnectException (or possible a namespaced Curl\ConnectException).

Best regards
Tim Düsterhus

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