On 20 February 2024 10:05:25 CET, Marc Bennewitz <marc@mabe.berlin> wrote:
>On 20.02.24 09:58, Derick Rethans wrote:
>> On 20 February 2024 08:41:19 GMT, Marc Bennewitz<marc@mabe.berlin>  wrote:
>>> Hi Hans,
>>> On 16.02.24 13:05, Hans Henrik Bergan wrote:
>>>> My name is "Hans Henrik Bergan", usually go by the nickname
>>>> "divinity76", I've contributed to OSS (including PHP) for years, and
>>>> am currently involved in 3 things that might require an RFC, and
>>>> requesting RFC karma for wiki account "divinity76".
>>>> 3/3: int|float for DateTime::setTimestamp, setTimestamp(0.123456) =>
>>>> 1970-01-01 00:00:00.123456 :https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/13383
>>> Actually I also want to work on this if I find time ... but as this is a BC 
>>> break I think it makes sense to revisit DateTime (and friends) to bundle BC 
>>> breaks to a single PHP version - probably PHP 9 and more sure there is a 
>>> way for users to make it work in PHP (7+)8+9.
>>> Personal and incomplete list I think needs improvements:
>>> * allow float for `setTimestamp`
>>> * option to return timestamp as float to simplify passing it to JS
>>> * Missing getter/setter for most of the date/time parts like 
>>> `get/setSecond`, `get/setHour` etc.
>>>    * For now I only added `get/setMicroseconds` together with 
>>> `createFromTimestamp` because 
>>> `DateTime::createFromTimestamp(123456789)->setMicroseconds(123987)`
>>>    * After thinking about naming - I think this should be renamed to 
>>> singular 😬
>>> * Add missing methods to DateTimeInterface
>>> * Allow userland implements DateTimeInterface
>>>    * Define how `createFromInterface` behaves on userland implementations
>>> * fixing ISO 8601 format
>>> * fixing some return type definitions from self to static
>>> * strict mode
>>>    * `DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2023-02-29')`
>>>    * `DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i', '2024-03-31 02:30', new 
>>> DateTimeZone('Europe/Berlin'))`
>>> * Missing current microseconds on `createFromFormat` but other non defined 
>>> parts needs to be explicitly reset using `|!`
>>> * leap seconds support on UTC TZ
>>>    * As of leap seconds ... wouldn't it be better to default to +00:00 
>>> instead of UTC ?
>>> * Support nanoseconds
>>> I'm for sure not able to work on all these points and that's why I only 
>>> started very small close to no BC improvements without RFC.
>> IMO, doing tweaks to this base functionality isn't the way forwards. I've 
>> been having on and off conversations with Florian over the last couple of 
>> months to see if we can design a better higher level API instead of patching 
>> the nits.
>Do you mean adding an additional API in C or userland? Is there a way to 
>participate on the discussion?

A bit of both, I suppose. But mainly for a user facing API. I've nothing 
concrete yet, and will soon start collecting thoughts. I'll make sure to email 
this list.


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