Hi Barney,

> No, that's not quite what I meant - I meant more like the opposite:
> ```
> $bcNum = new BcNum('1234567890123456789.23456789');
> echo $bcNum->format(8, '.', ',') // 1,234,567,890,123,456,789.23456789
> ```
> Maybe also worth providing a way to specify that all decimals should be 
> printed, instead of just a fixed number of decimals.

Ah I see! It sounds exactly like `number_format`. Sure, this might make sense. 
To me, this seems worth supporting.

$bcNum = new BcNum('1234567890123456789.23456789’);

When I saw this, I thought that the behavior when $scale is omitted is that in 
addition to the option of "using the global setting value", there is also the 
option of "counting the length of `$num` and storing all `$num`”. In other 
words, it does not use any global settings.

Which of these do you think is better?



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