On Tue, Mar 26, 2024, at 8:18 PM, Jakob Givoni wrote:

> Hi, thanks for the RFC and the effort put into trying to make it 
> palatable to skeptical minds!
> After reading most of the discussion in this thread I believe that the 
> RFC in its current form can work and that I will get used to it's 
> "peculiarities", but an idea occurred to me that may have some 
> advantages, so here goes:
> Use the "set" keyword that you've already introduced to set the raw 
> value of a "backed" property:
> public int $name {
>         set {
>              set strtoupper($value);
>         }
>     }
> Or when used in short form:
> public int $name {
>         set => set strtoupper($value);
>     }
> Advantages in no particular order:
> 1. Shorter than $this->name
> 2. No magic $field 
> 3. Short and long form works the same
> Disadvantage: "Set" can only be used to set the raw value inside the 
> hook method itself. Or maybe that's a good thing too. To be honest, I 
> don't love that $this->name sometimes goes through the hook and 
> sometimes not. I'd prefer if the raw value could only be accessed 
> inside the hooks or via a special syntax like f.ex. $this->name:raw
> If there are any use cases or technical details that I've missed that 
> would make this syntax unfavourable, I apologize.

Interesting idea.  Not being able to write the raw value except in the set hook 
isn't a bug, but an important feature, so that's not a downside.  (Modulo 
reflection, which is a reasonable back-door.)

However, there's a few other disadvantages that probably make it not worth it.

1. `set` is not actually a keyword at the moment.  It's contextually parsed in 
the lexer, so it doesn't preclude using `set` as a constant or function name 
the way a full keyword does.  (PHP has many of these context-only keywords.)  
Making it a keyword inside the body of the hook would do that, however.
2. Like $field, it would be a syntax you just "have to know".  Most people seem 
to hate that idea, right or wrong.
3. Like the considered syntaxes for parent-access, it wouldn't be possible to 
do anything but a direct write.  So `set => set++` wouldn't be possible, 
whereas with $this->prop all existing operations should "just work."
4. Would we then also want a `get` keyword in the get hook to be parallel?  
What does that even do there?  It would have the same implications as point 3 
in get, so we're back to $field by a different spelling.

So it's an interesting concept, but the knock-on effects would lead to a lot 
more complications.

> Another observation (I apologize for being late to the game but it was 
> a long RFC and thread to read through):
> What would happen if we stopped talking about virtual vs. backed 
> properties? Couldn't we just treat a property that was never set the 
> same as any other uninitialized property?
> What I mean is, that if you try to access the raw value of a property 
> with a set hook that never sets its own raw value, you'd get either 
> null or Typed property [...] must not be accessed before 
> initialization, just like you'd expect if you're already used to modern 
> php. Of course you'd just write your code correctly so that that never 
> happens. It's already the case that uninitialized properties are 
> omitted when serializing the object so there would be no difference 
> there either.
> The advantage here would be that there's no need to detect the virtual 
> or backed nature of the property at compile time and the RFC would be a 
> lot shorter.

Unfortunately the backed-vs-virtual distinction is quite important at an 
implementation level for a few reasons.

1. A backed property reserves memory space for that property.  A virtual 
property does not.  Making virtual properties "unused backed" properties would 
increase memory usage for values that would never be usable.
2. There would be no realistic way to differentiate between a get-only virtual 
property with no storage, and a backed property that just happens to have a get 
hook but no set hook.  Meaning you would be able to write to an 
otherwise-inaccessible backing value of the property.
3. That would then appear in serialization, even though it's impossible to get 
to from code without using reflection.  Which is just all kinds of confusing.

So for practical reasons, the distinction isn't just a user-facing difference 
but an important engine-level distinction we cannot avoid.


--Larry Garfield

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