2024年3月27日(水) 6:18 Casper Langemeijer <langemei...@php.net>:
> On Tue, Mar 26, 2024, at 18:15, Derick Rethans wrote:
> Many of these already exist, such as grapheme_substr. We can't simply change 
> the behaviour of the already existing functions due to BC reasons.
> Wow. I feel very stupid. I feel I should have known about grapheme_*, but I 
> didn't. Oh my, the manual says since PHP 5.3 no less. From what I've seen 
> around being used, I'm far from the only one though. In an attempt to justify 
> my own stupidity I searched its use and it's bad.
> Searching on github with language:PHP:
> `mb_strlen`  84k files, `grapheme_strlen` 680
> Then a big number of first 100 of these files are stubs/polyfills/phpstan 
> metadata. I've seen no framework except Symphony (but they might be further 
> in the searchresults)
> The grapheme_str_split function, as well as other intl extension functions is 
> what should replace mbstring really.
> YES!
> I'm sorry to have wasted your time. If you need someone to help for the 
> grapheme_ marketing team, let me know.

Hi, Casper

I think still useful mbstring functions. Because mbstring functions is
still valid as a bridge to non-Unicode character codes.
We think it makes sense for mbstring to calculate in Unicode code point units.

Therefore, I think make sense that separate mbstring functions and
grapheme functions.


Yuya Hamada (tekimen)
- https://tekitoh-memdhoi.info
- https://github.com/youkidearitai

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