Hi everyone

Heads-up: Larry and I would like to start the vote of the property
hooks RFC tomorrow:

We have worked long and hard on this RFC, and hope that we have found
some middle-ground that works for the majority. One last concern we
have not officially clarified on the list:


>> I personally do not feel strongly about whether asymmetric types make it 
>> into the initial implementation. Larry does, however, and I think it is not 
>> fair to exclude them without providing any concrete reasons not to. [snip]
> My concern is more about the external impact of what is effectively a change 
> to the type system of the language: [snip] will tools like PhpStan and Psalm 
> require complex changes to analyse code using such properties?

In particular, this paragraph is referencing the ability to widen the
accepted $value parameter type of the set hook, described at the
bottom of https://wiki.php.net/rfc/property-hooks#set. I have talked
to Ondřej Mirtes, the maintainer of PHPStan, and he confirmed that
this should not be complex to implement in PHPStan. In fact, PHPStan
already offers the @property-read and @property-write class
annotations, which can be used to describe "virtual" properties
handled within __get/__set, already providing asymmetric types of
sorts. Hence, this concern should be a non-issue.

Thank you to everybody who has contributed to the discussion!


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