On 10 April 2024 10:38:44 BST, Saki Takamachi <s...@sakiot.com> wrote:

>I was thinking about this today, and I think both are correct opinions on 
>whether to set the initial value to HALF_UP or TOWARD_ZERO. It's just a matter 
>of prioritizing whether consistency with existing behavior or consistency 
>within a class, and they can never be met simultaneously.

Yes, I agree there's a dilemma there.

The extra point in favour of TOWARD_ZERO is that it's more efficient, because 
we don't have to over-calculate and round, just pass scale directly to the 
implementation. Any other option makes for unnecessary extra calculation in 
code like this:

$total = new Number('20');
$raw_frac = $total / 7;
$rounded_frac = $raw_frac->round(2, Round::HALF_UP);

If HALF_UP rounding is the implied default, we have to calculate with scale 11 
giving 1.42857142857, round to 1.4285714286, then round again to 1.43.

If truncation / TOWARD_ZERO is the implied default, we only calculate with 
scale 10 giving 1.4285714285 and then round once to 1.43.

(Of course, in this example, the most efficient would be for the user to write 
$rounded_frac = $total->div(7, 2, Round::HALF_UP) but they might have reasons 
to keep the division and rounding separate.)

Rowan Tommins

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