On 8-5-2024 15:40, Gina P. Banyard wrote:
I would like to formally propose my idea for exit() as a function brought up to 
the list on 2024-02-24 [1] with the following RFC:

There have been some slight tweaks to the implementation, namely that the transformation 
from a "constant" to a function is done at compile time and we do not hook into 
the behaviour of constants any longer.

No objections from my side, though, yes, PHPCS will need to be updated/adjusted to work around this, but that's no biggie.

When reading the RFC, there are two things about which I still have questions.

1. As things are, `exit` and `die` cannot be used as a label for a goto statement.

goto exit;

  echo 'exited';
https://3v4l.org/fluuk and https://3v4l.org/cNMEW

Will that change now `exit` would no longer be a reserved keyword ?

2. The RFC mentions the "old" semantics regarding type juggling for exit/die - always cast to string - and it mentions that passing resources or arrays in the new situation will become a TypeError, but that still leaves some room for interpretation for the other types, in particular the handling of booleans.

How I read the RFC, the type juggling would change as follows (but I may well be wrong!):

| Param passed          | Old     | New       | Consequences |
| integer | integer | integer | No change, interpreted as exit code | | string | string | string | No change, interpreted as status message | | bool | string | integer | Was status message, now exit code | | float | string | integer | Was status message, now exit code, "Implicit conversion from float to int loses precision" deprecation notice | | null | string | integer | Was status message, now exit code, "Passing null to parameter #1 ($status) of type string\|int is deprecated" | | stringable object | string | string | No change, interpreted as status message |
| non-stringable object | string  | TypeError | |
| array                 | string  | TypeError | |
| resource              | string  | TypeError | |

Might it be an idea to make all the type juggling changes explicit in the RFC ? (and correct whatever I interpreted incorrectly)


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