Hi Derick,
in php-src/main/php_sprintf.c
php_sprintf (char*s, const char* format, ...)
  va_list args;
  char *ret; //ret should be of type integer as vsprintf returns int
  rather than char*

  va_start (args, format);
  s[0] = '\0';
  ret = vsprintf (s, format, args);
  va_end (args);
  if (!ret) //This check should be if(ret < 0) as ret will have the
  number of characters printed to s  
//If an output error is encountered, a negative  value  is returned.
    return -1;
  return strlen (s);
ret should be of type integer as vsprintf returns int rather than char*.
if (!ret) should be if(ret < 0)

With regards
Kamesh Jayachandran

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