Hi Moriyoshi,
Function _php_mb_regex_ereg_replace_exec in php_mbregex.c returns
RETVAL_STRINGL((char *)out_buf.c, out_buf.len - 1, 0); //At the end of
the function
0 as the 3rd argument to RETVAL_STRINGL Macro does not duplicate the
content and sets a retval zval same as out_buf.c.

out_buf.c is allocated using malloc/realloc family not emalloc/erealloc.

While zval_ptr_dtor is called on mb_reg_replace's retval, calls
efree(which it should not.). Hence in the macro REMOVE_POINTER_FROM_LIST
                p->pLast->pNext = p->pNext;                             \
line causes a seg fault.(As p->pLast is null or some strange pointer not
within the control of the running program)

Patch for 5.0 tree is available here

With regards
Kamesh Jayachandran

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