Hello Jessie,

Tuesday, August 9, 2005, 4:36:41 AM, you wrote:

> Classes that had uppercase letters were not being handled properly in
> namespace imports. The attached patch has this fix (thanks Maxx!). Also,
> the attached patch includes the default behavior of resolving
> simple-imported class names to their file paths (ns:class1 being looked up
> as ns/class1(.inc or .inc.php).

> I have a couple of questions, though:

> 1) I asked this before, but it wasn't answered: is there any reason why .php
> is not a default extension for spl_autoload?

PEAR uses .inc.php and i as well as all i have spoken too like .inc better
than .php becuase it distinguishes include files from normal script files.
If now you like .php better it is pretty easy to overcome this matter by
just changing the defaults. That's why it is so flexible.

Best regards,

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