At 18:05 24/08/2005, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
Zeev Suraski wrote:
> Why?  A great deal of users will be running with unicode semantics
> turned off, and I don't see a good reason to break source compatibility
> for them.  For example, if Foo Inc. wrote a module for PHP 4, and they
> want to migrate to PHP 6 - it should be a simple recompile.  It's OK if
> we barf when they turn unicode_sematics off, but not if they don't.

What happens when the extension gets an IS_UNICODE string passed to it
if they are not using zend_parse_parameters()?  These strings can exist
independent of the unicode semantics switch.

Sure, it would work reasonably well because of our typeless nature. Everything gets convert_to_()'d before it's touched. Of course you'd be able to shoot yourself in the foot by explicitly creating unicode strings and using them with non-unicode functions with unicode_semantics turned off, but the wound wouldn't be too bad :)


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