Hi Dmitry Stogov, you wrote:

>>There's a typo in zend_update_class_constants():
>>      ALLOC_HASHTABLE() refers to class_type instead of 
> Seems you are wrong.
> I see ALLOC_HASHTABLE(class_type->static_members); in the patch.

Sorry my fault while applying the patch.

>>There's also a problem which I didn't track down yet:
>>      static_members are destroyed after the request but not reinitialized
> The are reinicilized on next access through the same
> zend_update_class_constants() from default values.

But zend_update_class_constants() will only take effect once
for internal classes, while the static_members need to be
updated/reset for every request?

Michael - < mike(@)php.net >

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