On Fri, 2005-10-07 at 22:09 +0100, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> The "don't upgrade" argument doesn't work.  Unless we commit to having
> two major versions forever where we will add new features.  That is a
> possibility as well of course.  Have 2 trees.  Unicode-PHP and
> non-Unicode-PHP and everything that is not Unicode-related will need to
> be committed to both.

I think this would lead to PHP 6.2 with two different sets of
functionality (Joe writes some super-string-manipulating thing for PHP
6.2, never find the time to port it to 6.2-unicode, and now no one else
has time to do it either so we release one with the function, one
without yet they are both 6.2).

While I understand the argument that PHP itself will be slower with
Unicode support, and there isn't much we can do about that (we're just
doing a heck of a lot more work across the board), I think the best
option is to have PHP 6 be completely Unicode. It will break
applications, but they can be ported. It will mean PHP is going to be
slower, but other languages have found ways to make up for that speed
decrease in other places and I am sure we could learn from looking at
them for answers to our problem.



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