On Sun, 2005-10-30 at 09:52 +0100, Ron Korving wrote:
> I'm a big fan of coalesce($param1, $param2, ..., $paramN) (or firstset()).
> The syntax allows for more than what ifsetor($var, $value) would do.
> Ifsetor() could be done in userspace, but I don't see how coalesce() could,
> because of the variable number of parameters.

It's not so much the variable number of parameters as the fact that it
has to receive a variable that may not be set. Using a user-space
function will cause an E_NOTICE to be thrown every time the function is
used, because it's receiving an unset variable. It needs to be a
language construct.

FWIW, I like the $a ?? $b and $a ??= $b idea.

Jasper Bryant-Greene
General Manager
Album Limited

w: http://www.album.co.nz/
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p: 0800 4 ALBUM (0800 425 286) or +64 21 232 3303
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