On 29 November 2005 09:18, Bart de Boer wrote:

> I feel we're comparing apples with oranges here.
> Break; is for breaking out of loops. It shouldn't have anything to do
> with jumping to somewhere else. Let's say *if* PHP supported jumping
> through the code. The following should then be two different things:
> while (loop) {
>     goto LABEL;
> }
> while (loop) {
>     break;
> }
> I think the question here is if we want to implement jumping
> through the
> code or not. If we do jumping in the code, this should be a
> full-fledged feature. If not, there should be no jumping. And it
> should, in my opinion, certainly not change the way break; works.

I'm completely indifferent about goto (in any form), but *PLEASE* can we have 
labelled break/continue -- something like:

  LABEL: while (cond):
    break LABEL;


  while LABEL (cond):
    break LABEL;


  while (cond) LABEL:
    break LABEL;

I can't tell you the number of times I've broken my own code by adding or 
removing an inner loop and failing to notice that a break/continue count needs 
incrementing/decrementing.  Labelled breaks are a relatively simple addition to 
the syntax that would improve the programming experience out of all proportion. 
 Yes it's complete syntactic sugar -- it doesn't do anything you can't 
currently do, just does it in a much more friendly way -- but incredibly 
helpful sugar ;)



Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
Learning Support Services, Learning & Information Services,
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Headingley Campus, LEEDS,  LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730      Fax:  +44 113 283 3211 

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