
Even if you are right about the state of the PHP/Zend code/documentation
(which I am not commenting on either way), it's definitely not a wise idea
to insult the very people who wrote that code when asking for their
assistance. With that said, if no one else steps up with a code snippet
before I get home this evening, I would be happy to provide you with one.


On 1/25/06, Kiput <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm currently working on a tiny "wrapper" in C++ which will aid in
> easy embeding PHP in C++ apps. Till now I managed to work on it
> without any help, but this time I need your help guys - I'm tired of
> that messy, undocumented PHP/Zend code. Could anyone (I'm sure it's 5
> minutes of work, since most of you work with PHP/Zend frequently)
> write me a snippet of code in C which would be equal to following PHP
> code:
> class Foobar
> {
>     function __set( $name, $value )
>     {
>         echo( "$name = $value" );
>     }
>     function __get( $name )
>     {
>         echo( "$name" );
>     }
> }
> I was working, but since I've implemented resource zval type into my
> lib it somehow (I even didn't noticed) stopped. =(
> If this is wrong list then I'm sorry, thought my question is closely
> tied to PHP's internals after all. =)
> Thanks.
> --
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Jeremy Johnstone

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