Hi Richard,
I think LS=LIST
CC=Comma(,) Call (, tsrm_ls)
DC = Comma(,) Declare(, void ***tsrm_ls)

With regards
Kamesh Jayachandran

Richard Lynch wrote:
I'm trying to grok PHP Source, and I suspect I've missed some
"Beginner" guide somewhere.

I'm looking at the TSRM*_* data types in the header files, and have
backtracked as far as 'tsrm_ls' and then...  I'm not finding a place
where that is defined.

I've grepped php-src for it, and only see it used, not defined.

I also grepped /usr/include and /usr/local/include, thinking maybe
it's a standard OS thing.

I know TSRM is thread-safe-resource-manager, but the LS_DC LS_CC etc
system isn't getting into my brain... L for Long? S for string?

What am I missing?

TIA!  (Hoping to do something useful someday...)

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