
Will all due respect, option C is what we did when it came to 5.1, except instead of 5.3 it was 5.2. Sure, we can delay this indefinitely, but I for one would like some resolution on the issue. But if the general consensus is to continue treading water, I guess we can do that too...

On 18-Jul-06, at 4:52 PM, Pierre wrote:


On 7/18/06, Ilia Alshanetsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Option A: DateTime & DateTimeZone
Option B: PHPDate & PHPTimezone

The only sane way:
Option C: Delay to 5.3, warn our users in the 5.2 release notes, use Date

That will be true for Date, File or whatever else we may use (Derick,
Zip is *already* taken, don't write a new one :D ).


Ilia Alshanetsky

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